Price On Call


Type : Sell
Condition : Semi-Furnished
Location : It is located in Chittur , Palakkad - Dist. Karunyam Niwas , kacherimedu, Chittur Taluk , Palakkad-Dist. Call for: 8830995442.

2 buildings, One is odu house, other one is RC House Photos attached , In Odu House  4 B/rooms, 1 Pooja Room, One Hall, 1 kitchen with Store room, Toilet Bath room attached in back side & One walking Path &  RC – 3 B/room, One kitchen, Toilet and Bath room attached.

Mention Real Estate App when calling seller to get a good deal


It is located in Chittur , Palakkad - Dist. Karunyam Niwas , kacherimedu, Chittur Taluk , Palakkad-Dist. Call for: 8830995442.
Safety tips for deal
  • Use a safe location to meet seller.
  • Avoid direct cash and online transactions.
  • Beware of unrealistic offers.
  • Real Estate App Never call to customer Beware of fraud calls.
  • Beware of online frauds.